Interesting Art


Josh Kirby


1928 - 2001

Josh Kirby, best known as Sir Terry Pratchett's Discworld cover artist, painted the cover for the 2nd James Bond novel - Moonraker and illustrated posters for Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, The Beastmaster, Krull and many others. He also designed a poster for The Life of Brian inspired by Pieter Brueghel's Tower Of Babel (which wasn’t used, but it’s epic).

Josh Kirby created over 400 covers for iconic works of pop culture and literature including directly working on multiple commissions for Alfred Hitchcock, Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov, Jack Kerouac, Robert Heinlein, Neil Gaiman (the art for Good Omens, which is now a Netflix series), as well as significant editions of works by Edgar Allen Poe, H.G Wells and of Jekyll and Hyde and Tarzan.

A Gallery is proud to represent the Josh Kirby Estate in its goal to have his works placed in one permanent collection, preserved for history and to be enjoyed by the public for generations to come. Below is a small selection of Josh's works. including many of the the 700 artworks we need help to donate to a museum.

Help donate Josh Kirby's works of great cultural importance to a museum by emailing: